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英语春节手抄报设计图 英语元旦手抄报 设计图










What does the holiday mean?


The term "pass year" is used for the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year). The word "Year" in Chinese characters used to mean a horrible beast. To combat the beast, the Chinese hang "good luck" wishes on red paper on the door and use fireworks in the belief that the beast fears red and fire. This tradition in many ways resemblethe Western belief of using garlic and crosses to fight vampires.

中文中“过年”这个词组用以表示对春节(中国新年)的庆祝,“年”这个字在中文里是一种恐怖的怪兽?因为“年”害怕红色和火!所以中国人会在门上悬挂“春联”写上美好祝福 并放鞭炮来赶跑它。这个传统有点类似西方人用大蒜和十字架吓跑吸血鬼的传统

Why New Year is so special?


The Chinese zodiac features 12 animals in the sequence of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This year is the year of Tiger. Each animal represents a different "personality". According to legend, people held a conference with all the animals, informing them that they would pick the 12 to represent the zodiac. However, in spite of being fast, the cat was not picked as its then-close friend, the rat, did not wake it. This action sparked off a rivalrythat continues till this day.

中国的`十二生肖代表了十二种动物?他们的顺序是:鼠。牛 兔!龙,蛇。马!羊、猴,鸡 狗和猪!今年是虎年,9979每一种动物有他们自己的“性格”。根据传说 人们当初和动物们开了一个会。最先到会的动物们就可以进入十二生肖。而身为猫最好的朋友、老鼠却没有把猫叫醒去开会。因此、它们之间的战争一直持续到今天,

What do people do?


Eat, eat again, and then eat some more! As the old Chinese saying goes: food is everything.


The tradition is to have different main courses everyday from the 1st day of the New Year to the 15th day of the New Year, from Jiao Zi (dumplings), noodles, spring rolls, sticky rice cakes, and Tang Yuan (stuffed rice balls). Besides culinarysatisfaction, each food has a meaning as well: for instance, Jiao Zi looks like gold, implying a wealthy year ahead.


Besides eating, young people visit older family members and kids are blessed with a red pack of "lucky" money. And then, people gather and eat again (!), leading to a lot of advertisements about fitness right after the Chinese New Year holiday.

除了吃以外!年轻人要去拜会家里的老人家 而小盆友们就有大把压岁钱拿 跟着,人们又聚在一起吃?所以节后中国就会出现很多减肥广告





Falling on the first day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is in fact the Chinese New Year. Before it, people usually give their house a thorough cleaning and do a lot of shopping. On the New Years Eve, people come home and the whole family have a big dinner together. On the New Years Day and the few days to follow, people often visit their relatives and friends to give one another their best wishes for the new year. Throughout this festival period firecrackers can be heard everywhere. This festival is the most important festival for the Chinese.


I had a wonderfulspring festival holiday.I went to the park with my friends.We met at eight o‘clock at the school gate.We went to the park by bike.It was a sunnyday.We sat under a big tree and talkedwith each other.We talked about some movies andfunny things.Then we hadhamburgers and some drinks for lunch.Then we played some games.

We went home at 5pm.Although we were all fell tired,we were very happy.It was great fun!


Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.


The Spring Festival is the most important festival all the year round for the Chinese.

During this Spring Festival, I have a good time. First of all, I did so well in the final exam that makes my parents very happy. They say that its their best gift for the New Year. And we come back our hometown to spend this biggest festival with other relatives. We had a big dinner on the New Years Eve. There were about thirty people had the dinner together. It was really great. After dinner, we enjoyed the Spring Festival Gala Evening. On the New Years Day, we gathered together to play games or cards. We children got lucky money from adults. This was the most exciting thing for us. On the following days, we visited to each other, bringing our best wishes.




[春节手抄报][图文]春节英语手抄报 佚名







































































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