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Double Ninth Festival

The 9th day of the 9th lunar month is the traditional Chongyang Festival, or Double Ninth Festival. It usually falls in October in the Gregorian calendar. In an ancient and mysterious book Yi Jing, or The Book of Changes, number "6" was thought to be of Yin character, meaning feminine or negative, while number "9" was thought to be Yang, meaning masculine or positive. So the number nine in both month and day create the Double Ninth Festival, or Chongyang Festival. Chong in Chinese means "double." Also, as double ninth was pronounced the same as the word to signify "forever", both are "Jiu Jiu," the Chinese ancestors considered it an auspicious day worth celebration. That's why ancient Chinese began to celebrate this festival long time ago.


第九个月的第九日是重阳传统节日或双第九节,它通常在阳历的十月!在古老而神秘的书(易经)。或易经。数字“6”被认为是阴阳性质,即女性或负,而数字“9”被认为是阳、男性或积极的意义?所以九号的月?日创造双第九节,重阳的节日!重在中国的意思是“双”!同时,由于双第九是发音相同的词来表示“永远” 都是“九、“中8856国人的祖先认为这是吉祥的日子所以值得庆祝!这就是为什么很久以前中国古代就开始庆祝这个节日?




September lunar month festival.


The Double Ninth Festival and other traditional festivals, is a family reunion festival; also a commemorate the ancestors of the family. In Singapore, there are still a part of the Double Ninth Festival Hall retained the custom of worship, called "autumn festival".

重阳节和其他传统节日一样。是家人团聚的佳节;也是一个纪念祖先的家人 在新加坡、仍有一部分会馆保留重阳节祭祖的习俗!叫做“秋祭”

September lunar month, month daily average is nine, Shuangyang is named, the double ninth festival. The main festival festival activities is climbing, chrysanthemum, drink chrysanthemum wine, eat cake, cornel.




《吕氏春秋》之中《季秋纪》载:“(九月)命家宰、农事备收!举五种之要?藏帝籍之收于神仓?祗敬必饬,”“是日也。大飨帝!尝牺牲。告备于天子?”可见当时已有在秋九月农作物丰收7847之时祭飨天帝,祭祖?以谢天帝 祖先恩德的活动?汉代?《西京杂记》中记西汉时的宫人贾佩兰称:“九月九日?佩茱萸!食蓬饵?饮菊花酒?云令人长寿 ”相传自此时起?1086有了重阳节求寿之俗?这是受古代巫师(后为道士)追求长生,采集药物服用的影响、9518同时还有大型饮宴活动 是由先秦时庆丰收之宴饮发展而来的!《荆楚岁时记》云:“九月九日。四民并籍野饮宴!”隋杜公瞻注云:“九月九日宴会。未知起于何代。然自驻至宋未改 ”求长寿及饮宴!构成了重阳节的基础,



菊花盛放于秋季。经霜耐寒?有却风明目、清热解毒的功效,因古时有饮菊花酒成仙的传说,菊花向被视为寓意长寿的吉祥物,根据古籍的记载?重阳节饮菊花酒的风俗最迟于西汉已成定俗!并且多与重阳登高 赏菊等习俗紧密相连!菊花酒8146一般是在前一年的重阳节酿制?第二年重阳始熟而饮用,

菊花酒 在古代被看作是重阳必饮。祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”!到了明清时代?菊花酒中又加入多种草药!其效更佳?制作方法为:用甘菊花煎汁?用曲。米酿酒或加地黄?当归?枸杞诸药,由于菊花酒能疏风除热,养肝明目,消炎解毒 故具有较高的3273药用价值?明代医学家李时珍指出?菊花具有“治头风?明耳目!去瘘瘅,治百病”的功效

菊花酒由菊花与糯米?酒曲0938酿制而成的酒!古称“长寿寿酒”!其味清凉甜美?有养肝?明目、健脑 延缓衰老等功效?菊花酒有枸杞菊花酒 花糕菊花酒?还有白菊花酒、


“羊”与“阳”同音?要吃白面,羊肉性温 特别是冬季天冷时吃了防寒!秋天是羊儿最肥的季节 羊肉性暖。可以御寒,




1. 有关传统节日的英语作文

2. 介绍中国传统节日的高中英语作文

3. 中秋节英文怎么说

4. 新课标英语作文范文


用英语介绍重阳节:Double Ninth Festival is a traditional Chinese Folk Festival, which is held on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month every year.

The number of "Nine" is Yang in the book of changes. The two Yang numbers of "Nine" are equal, so it is called "double Yang"; Because both the sun and the moon meet nine, it is also called "double nine".

重阳节,是中国民间传统节日?节期在每年农历九月初九日,“九”数在《易经》中为阳数,“九九”两阳数相重 故曰“重阳”,因日与月皆逢九!故又称为“重九”?


The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the

Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.


In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for

blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering

sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.


So far, it has added the connotation of respecting the elderly, enjoying

the feast high on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, and being grateful to

the elderly.


Appreciation of the autumn and gratitude for respecting the elderly are two

important themes of today's Double Ninth Festival.


1.go to the high 登高

Chongyang Festival first has the custom of climbing high. In September, the

golden autumn, the weather is high and refreshing. This season, climbing high is

expected to achieve the goal of relaxation and happiness, fitness and disease



2. eat Chongyang cake 吃重阳糕

The custom of eating Chongyang cakes is related to climbing. Gaohe Cake

homonym, as a festival food, was originally intended to celebrate the harvest of

autumn grain and enjoy the new grain. After that, the people had the auspicious

meaning of climbing the mountain to eat cakes and taking steps to climb the

mountain.与登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗,高和糕谐音!8250作为节日食品 最早是庆祝秋粮丰收?喜尝新粮的用意,之后民间才有了登高吃糕、取步步登高的吉祥之意?

3.Chrysanthemum 赏菊

On the Double Ninth Festival, there has always been the custom of enjoying

chrysanthemums, so it has been called chrysanthemum festival since ancient

times. The lunar calendar is commonly known as the chrysanthemum month in

September, and the chrysanthemum conference is held at the festival. Since the

Three Kingdoms and Wei Jin Dynasties, Chung Yeung has been drinking and

appreciating chrysanthemums for poetry. In ancient Han customs, chrysanthemums


longevity.重阳日。历来就有赏菊花的风俗、所以古来又称菊花节,农历九月俗称菊月 节日举办菊7555花大会,倾城的人潮赴会赏菊。从三国魏晋以来 6540重阳聚会饮酒!赏菊赋诗已成时尚 在汉族古俗中?菊花象征长寿?

4.drink chrysanthemum wine 饮菊花酒

On the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional custom of drinking

chrysanthemum wine is in China. Chrysanthemum wine is regarded as the

"auspicious wine" in ancient times, which is "Chongyang must drink" and "dispel

calamity and pray for blessing".

重阳佳节?我国有饮菊花酒的传统习俗。菊花酒 在古代被看作是重阳必饮、祛灾祈福的“吉祥酒”,

5.Cornus officinalis 佩茱萸

In ancient times, the custom of 99 Cornus officinalis was also popular, so

it was also called "Zhuyu Festival". Fructus Corni can be used to make wine,

keep fit and remove disease. The introduction of Fructus Corni and hairpin

chrysanthemum was very common in the Tang Dynasty. Fructus Corni has strong

fragrance, which has the function of repelling insects, removing dampness and

inducing wind evil, and can eliminate food accumulation and treat cold and


古代还风行九九插茱萸的习俗!所以又叫做茱萸节 茱萸入药?可制酒养身祛病?插茱萸和簪菊花在唐代就已经很普遍。茱萸香味浓!有驱虫去湿!逐风邪的作用、并能消积食!治寒热,


用英语介绍重阳节:The Double Ninth Festival, the annual the 9th day of the ninth month of the Chinese lunar calendar day, is a traditional festival of the Chinese nation.In ancient times, there were customs of climbing high to pray for blessings, visiting chrysanthemums in autumn, wearing dogwood, offering sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity.

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重阳节的英文介绍简短 英语简介带翻译精选

重阳节指农历九月初九这一天!九被视为阳数中最大的一个!两九相重!故称重阳。很多同学都想知道用英文如何介绍重阳节 一起来看一下?


he Double Ninth Festival and other traditional festivals, is a family reunion festival; also a commemorate the ancestors of the family.

In Singapore, there are still a part of the Double Ninth Festival Hall retained the custom of worship, called "autumn festival".


September lunar month, month daily average is nine, Shuangyang is named, the double ninth festival. The main festival festival activities is climbing, chrysanthemum, drink chrysanthemum wine, eat cake, cornel.



The double ninth festival, the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, is known as the "double ninth", which is also known as the "double ninth", which is also known as the "climbing festival". There are also nine, dogwood, chrysanthemum festival and so on. Since September 9th "jiujiu" homophone is "long", there is permanent meaning, so often on this day ancestor worship and implementation of the old activities. The double ninth festival is also the fourth festival of Chinese traditional festivals. On December 28, 2012, the law is clear on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month.

重阳节!农历九月初九,二九相重 称为“重九” 民间在该日有登高的风俗!所以重阳节又称“登高节”!还有重九节 茱萸?菊花节等说法!由于九月初九“九九”谐音是“久久”。有长久之意?所以常在此日祭祖与推行敬老活动、重阳节与除?清?盂三节也是中国传统节日里祭祖的四大节日?2012年12月28日?法律明确每年农历九月初九为老年节,



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